I’m a branding and marketing professional with a strong eye for content and communicating ideas. Using a combination of data and research, I build platform-specialized campaigns that connect the marketing dots around themes and values that appeal to your target audience.
I’ve worked on the agency side with numerous US and multinational brands in Los Angeles to develop commercials, branded content and product integrations. Ranging from pet food, cosmetics and beauty, telecommunications, financial services, and many others, developing engaging marketing content that communicates and builds value belongs to any brand or product.
My professional background also includes a public policy career in government, where I wrote discussion papers, wrote speeches and presentations, and championed social policy reform. Reform areas included the environment, education and LBGTQ+ policy.
For my creativity, I run, swim and exhale in pose. For inspiration, I walk, read and meditate. Never met a bowl of udon I didn’t want to try. You can find me wherever my passport was last stamped.